This Wednesday, December 5th, beginning at 7-9 p.m., you can enjoy kimchi treats and meet Lauryn Chun of Mother-in-Law’s Kimchi and author of The Kimchi Cookbook: 60 Traditional & Modern Ways to Make and Eat Kimchi.
For $20 you get entry into the book launch party and a copy of Lauryn’s book (added bonus: $5 of the cover charge will go to Sandy relief), plus complimentary kimchi samples and tips from Lauryn.
Kimchi is not just cabbage! Using the traditional kimchi-making season as her guide and focusing on produce at its peak, Lauryn shows you how to create both robust winter kimchi and light summer pickles.
While our regular bar/restaurant service will continue to be availabl, we’ll be making some kimchi-centric additions to our regular kitchen menu, including offerings from Lauryn’s recipes such as (subject to change):
- Kimchi cornmeal pancakes;
- Kimchi sandwiches;
- Kimchi slaw with vegan kimchi and fresh cabbage.
So come out and talk Kimchi with Lauryn. (Regular bar/restaurant service available.)