A Toast To Ray Benefit On August 1st

Ray and Jimmy (along with Lagunitas Rep Mark Sljukic) at Brewers 4 Brewers in March.

The third annual July Good Beer Month has been bittersweet. As most of The Good Beer Seal community are aware, Good Beer Seal and Beer Sessions Radio co-founder Ray Deter passed away. To celebrate Ray’s life, The Good Beer Seal community will close out the month with “A Toast to Ray,” on Monday, August 1st from 7-10 p.m. at Ray’s bar, dba Brooklyn (113 North 7th Street in Williamsburg). All proceeds from the event will go to the Ray Deter Memorial Fund, to benefit Ray’s family, including his two sons.

“A Toast to Ray” will be co-sponsored by Beer Sessions Radio/Heritage Radio Network, Jimmy Carbone and the Good Beer Seal, and Jonathan White of Boblink Farm, which will be providing a whole pig, raw oysters, cheese and bread. Local breweries (Sixpoint, Saison Dupont, Brooklyn Brewery, and Kelso, among others) will be donating limited beers for purchase. Other vintners will be donating whiskies, bourbons and other rare spirits. Food will be provided by Fette Sau, Tchoup Chop, Jimmy’s No. 43, Heritage Foods USA, and Waterfront Ale House. Snacky Tunes will dj, with more entertainment TBA.

Ticket options include a $20 all-you-can-eat-pay-for-your-drinks or a $50 drinks-included option. You may also donate additional funds directly to Ray’s family from the ticket link. Admission includes access to a silent auction of rare beers and spirits provided by Spuyten Duyvil and importer B United, among others.

Visit The Good Beer Seal for more information and updates.


A Handful Of Tickets Remain For Farmageddon Party/Viewing Tonight!

Join Just Food and Jimmy’s No. 43 for a party+filming+discussion of Farmageddon. The night begins and ends at Jimmy’s No. 43, with a jaunt of a few blocks to screen the film. The after party includes drink specials and a panel discussion featuring filmmaker Kristin Canty, Jimmy Carbone, Angela Davis of Just Food and the Weston A. Price Brooklyn chapter, Sarma Melngailis (Owner of Pure Food and Wine Restaurant),  and Max Goldberg of livingmaxwell blog. Tickets are available here.

Meet Barrier’s Winning Brew Masters Craig And Evan

photo by John Vaccarelli

Fresh off their glow of winning TAP New York’s F.X. Matt Memorial Cup: Best Brewery in New York State (congrats, guys!), Craig Frymark and Evan Klein will be gracing Jimmy’s No. 43 with their presence this Saturday, July 23rd, as part of our “Meet the Brewer” series. Join Craig, Evan, Jimmy and all your friends and drink some award winning Barrier beer. Craig recently sat for an interview about the brewery, which recently celebrated its first anniversary. Continue reading Meet Barrier’s Winning Brew Masters Craig And Evan

Oyster Night With Lagunitas

From left, Ron, Gordon, Monini and Nigel drink Lagunitas beer.

One of the great things about most craft beer lovers is they just really like to have fun. We host many events every month at Jimmy’s No. 43, and the overwhelming majority are really laid back. We invite brewers to join us, to mix and mingle with both first-timers and regulars. There’s no price for admission (you pay as you go), and it’s a chance to make new friends, even if only for a night. Continue reading Oyster Night With Lagunitas

Best Governor’s Island Event Ever?

Inquiring minds want to know: Is Cook Out NYC the best event ever to hit Governor’s Island? Well, our friends at Metromix sure think so. Check out these great photos from yesterday’s festivities. And for another review, see what they had to say over at Burger Conquest.

The cook off winners are:

Best Burger: High Point Farms
Best Hot Dog: AsiaDOG
Best Shaved Ice: Wooly’s Ice
Best Burger: High Point Farms
Best Hot Dog: My Friends Mustard
Best Shaved Ice: Wooly’s Ice
Best Sandwich: Fattycue
Best In Show: Carnitas Shack
Best Sides: Jimmy’s No. 43
Best Umami: Kuma Inn

And we look forward to Pig Island II!