June 16 Pretty Things And Oysters!

Pretty Things beer, based in Somerville, MA, will be the featured beer tomorrow (6/16) at our Thursday Night Oysters event. We recently caught up with Jim Barnes, the go to guy in NYC for all things pretty, but especially for Pretty Things Beer!

What’s the first (great) beer you remember drinking and where were you at the time?

Though not necessarily a “great” beer, I’d have to say it was Ballentin’s. I was 8 when my dad would pour a little of his beer into my Snoopy mug at dinner. This is where I feel I developed a pallet for beer and learned to enjoy the taste rather than the usual route that people take (in other words, the God-awful high school keg party). Continue reading June 16 Pretty Things And Oysters!

Cider Appreciation Day… Interview With Jimmy!

Looking ahead to our Cider Appreciation Day on June 23, Jimmy Carbone—the man himself—gave us his own take on appreciating the 400-year-old brew. (For a great history of Cider in America—or the Colonies—check out this article in Beer Advocate.)

What is Cider Appreciation Day and how did it get started?

Hard cider—really good, European-style hard cider—is underappreciated.  It seems like a good idea to showcase some of the better French (Dupont), English, and American ciders (Farnum Hill among others) in one evening. Continue reading Cider Appreciation Day… Interview With Jimmy!

Brewers’ Pic-NYC Event Round-Up

For those of you who made it, Brewers’ Pic-NYC over Memorial Day weekend was both a challenge and an amazing time to be had. Sunday brought out both glorious weather and crowds of people wanting to partake of the great beer offerings by Sixpoint (we got the new cans preview!), Brooklyn and Goose Island. A couple dozen food trucks were on hand to offer up grub, ranging from Luke’s Lobster to Cupcake Stop and pretty much every offering in between. Jimmy’s No. 43 was there, too, with master chef Rick grilling up Vietnamese sandwiches.

We thank EVERYBODY for their generous support and patience out on the Island. Check out the amazing photo shoot by Metromix. You’ll probably find yourself in there!

Welcome to Jimmy’s No. 43

Welcome to the all new Jimmy’s No. 43 website and blog. While we are working on transferring over the old posts (still accessible here), we hope you will be patient with our upgrade. In the meantime, look for new blog posts here starting later today!