Lost Abbey Finds Jimmy’s No. 43

Some people think our basement bar has the look of a Monk’s brewing chamber, so how appropriate is it that Men’s Journal‘s Tyghe Trimble decided to host a private tasting in our back room for the rarest of the rare scores: The Lost Abbey Ultimate Box Set. This lottery-only beer set brings out the best in beer, music, cool album art, and dynamite packaging (the case alone is a worthy collectible).

The 13 beers were brewed by Lost Abbey over the course of 2012 and were inspired by classic rock (hence the artwork). This is a super rare collection of small one-offs that go—not to the highest bidder (although at a $450 price tag, you will need a chunk of change)—but to a lucky 500 souls who win the California brewer’s lottery. Or to select media, which is how our group got their hands on it (from left: Chris Cuzme, Mary Izett, Tyghe and Christopher Pagnotta).

Jimmy’s No. 43 is the home to interesting and unusual beers, and this set is among the top few beers we’ve seen pass through our doors. For an excellent write-up of the Lost Abbey Ultimate Box Set, check out our friends over at Serious Eats.